Kunstmanifestatie MARKER
Grote Markt Groningen
1 t/m 9 juni 2018
Dagelijks van 10.00 – 22.00 uur

GRATIS toegang

Opening 31 mei 19.30 uur

Ruben Boxman
Henri van Hoeve
Sarah Janssen
Lee McDonald
Bert Scholten
Albert Westerhoff

Check voor extra programma, rondleidingen,
kunstenaarsgesprekken, tentoonstellingen en blog:

MARKER is een initiatief van NP3 en CBK Groningen

Art manifestation MARKER
Grote Markt Groningen
1 till 9 june 2018
Daily 10.00 – 22.00 hrs

FREE entrance

Opening 31 may 19.30 hrs

Ruben Boxman
Henri van Hoeve
Sarah Janssen
Lee McDonald
Bert Scholten
Albert Westerhoff

Check for extra programme, guided tours,
Artist talks, exhibitions and blog:

MARKER is an initiative by NP3 and CBK Groningen

Invitation to the opening of my exhibition ‘images from thin air’

OPENING: Thursday 30 january 2014 at 17.00 o’clock. Location: Poelestraat 2 (corner Poelestraat/ Grote Markt) in Groningen.

After the opening my work can be seen every evening until 12 february from 17.00 -0.00 hrs

The work ‘images from thin air’ consists of nine video fragments which will be projected on different locations in and around the centre of Groningen.
For more information and the locations of the video projections please check the project website: https://www.sarahjanssen.com/fromthinair

The project ‘images from thin air’ was made possible by the Hendrik de Vries stipend by Gemeente Groningen.