I am busy animating the photos I took this week. also I have to decide, how my work will be presented. Yesterday I talked to Paul from the media-art department about how I could realize the installation I think of…

finally I finished my thesis this weekend, so from now on I can focus on photographing again. I am going to shoot the next scene this week, so today I experimented a bit and took some test photos to check things like the lighting and exposure time

…maybe this was what Douglas Gordon thought when he made the work „24 hour psycho“. however, he slowed Hitchcock’s film “psycho” down, so that it would take a whole day to watch it…
It’s nice to compare Gordon’s work with Bill Viola’s, which is of a totally different kind. But for both of them the element time is very important. Apropos time, I need to carry on with my scriptie as there’s not much time left.

I went searching for an adequate location for my next animation. this is what I found, I am going to take the photos this weekend…

…good to be different.

een serie fotos voor de affiche voor het ITS FESTIVAL, binnenkort komen er nog meer foto’s!

vrijdag waren een paar van ons in Utrecht bij de biennale voor social design. Er waren interessante dingen te zien. En ik heb vele fotos gemaakt, zowel buiten als ook in het dutch design center en het centraal museum. En selectie daarvan hier!